Welcome to our Calendar of Events!
This calendar includes opportunities for learning and connection from the Wisconsin Family Connections Center, the Coalition for Children, Youth & Families, and several other organizations across Wisconsin. (NOTE: Opportunities from the Wisconsin Family Connections Center are noted with a blue ribbon on the calendar below.)
Find training and event flyers here.
For a complete listing of Regional Events and Support Groups, please visit the Wisconsin Family Connections Center Eventbrite Page.
Find support group flyers here.
For information about Recorded Webinars, Upcoming Live Webinars, Courses, and Conferences, please visit the Champion Classrooms.
Events are added as information is made available to us. If you’d like to share an upcoming event with us, please contact us at info@wifamilyconnectionscenter.org.

Conversations on Race, Equity, and Inclusion Training Series: Session 3–The Evolution and Levels of Racism
February 24 @ 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
The Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) is pleased to present the Conversations on Race, Equity, and Inclusion training series. The six-part training series offers an opportunity for social work and human service professionals to explore the following topics:
- Session 1) Being Color Brave and Culturally Humble
- Session 2) Implicit Bias and Different Types of Privilege
- Session 3) The Evolution and Levels of Racism
- Session 4) Intersectionality: A Rationale for Cultural Humility
- Session 5) The Intersection of Race and Trauma
- Session 6) Microaggressions: An In-depth Exploration into Acts of Racism
Each training session is a stand-alone opportunity for learning and discussion. Participants are welcome to register for one or multiple sessions available from February to May.
The complete series of six training sessions will build upon one another. They provide participants with a significant opportunity to gain knowledge and understanding and will guide professionals in championing diversity and equity to foster an inclusive society.
Mondays, February 24 and March 3 & 10, 2025
12:30 pm – 2:30 pm Central Time
What is race? What is racism? How do these concepts influence people’s perceptions of themselves and others? How has racism impacted the implementation of policies and procedures across our socio-economic systems?
This three-part training session explores these and other questions to understand the ways racism impacts socio-economic systems. Participants will learn about the origins of racism and engage in discussions about its four levels: internalized (within individuals), interpersonal (between individuals), institutional (within institutions), and structural (across institutions and society). They will review examples of each and evaluate how the practices of specific institutions – child welfare, education and criminal justice, to name a few – perpetuate disparate outcomes for impacted populations. Participants will also go on a historical journey from slavery and segregation to the violence, mass incarceration and voter suppression, to understand how internalized, interpersonal and institutional racism combine to create power structures that advantage some, while disadvantaging all others.
Through this historical perspective, participants will be challenged to evaluate the racist policies and practices that persist in their fields of work, and to start discussions about dismantling systems of oppression so that equity, inclusion and justice can prevail.
Three-Hour Session Training Registration Fee (per person): CWLA Organizational Members $125; CWLA Individual Members $150; Non-Members $175
Six-Hour Session Training Registration Fee (per person): CWLA Organizational Member $225; CWLA Individual Member $250; Non-Member $300
Individual Session Training CEUs Fee (per person): CWLA Members $25; Non-Members $35
Six-Session Series Training Registration Fee (per person): CWLA Organizational Member $725; CWLA Individual Member $850; Non-Member $995
Series Training CEUs Fee (per person): CWLA Members $65; Non-Members $90
10% Discount Available for Group of 5 or More Training Registrations*
*Registrations must be completed at the same time as a group for the “10% for 5 or More” discount to apply and is only applicable for new training registrations. Contact memberservices@cwla.org for assistance with a group registration.
TRAINER: CWLA Director of Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging, Deborah Wilson Gadsden, LSW, MSW, MHS, will facilitate the training series. Mrs. Gadsden is a 50+ year veteran employee in the child welfare field. She is a trainer and race-equity consultant for the Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center at the University of Pittsburgh and a certified trainer-consultant with the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program and with the Workplace Bullying Institute. She was also trained as a social justice/racial equity trainer by Cultural Bridges to Justice, a New Mexico-based social justice organization.
Special thanks to Voce, a human services agency in Harrisburg, PA and CWLA member agency, for partnering with us to provide the “Conversations on Race, Equity, and Inclusion” training series that was developed by Mrs. Gadsden during her tenure at Voce.
The training sessions will be virtual using the Zoom platform. Training session details and Zoom links will be emailed to registrants a few days prior to the training date. Please be sure to check your Junk/ Spam email.
For information on the training content, contact Deborah Gadsden at dgadsden@cwla.org. For assistance with registration, contact memberservices@cwla.org.
Space is limited and available on a first-come/first-served basis. Requests for refunds must be received in writing no later than one week prior to the event. A $35 service charge will be assessed on all canceled registrations. Early registration is encouraged, as space is limited. CWLA reserves the right to cancel a training session in the event of insufficient registration.
Registration can be processed online with a credit card payment. To pay by check, select payment option “Check/Money Order” and mail payment with a copy of your registration confirmation to:
Child Welfare League of America
P.O. Box 715171
Philadelphia, PA 19171