Boredom and boredom avoidance drive the behaviours of inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity – the diagnostic criteria of ADHD. This is the first ADHD resource to thoroughly explore [...]
This concise and highly accessible book contains everything that parents and busy professionals need to know about ADHD. The author describes the spectrum of ADHD, the co-occurring symptoms, and [...]
Most books on adhd rehash the same worn out theories and treatments. Instead, ADHD: A Path to Success offers a new perspective on ADHD that makes sense with your own […]
The purpose of The ADD/ADHD Checklist is to better understand children and teenagers with ADD/ADHD and the kind of support and intervention that is necessary for their success. Written in […]
Do you have a hard time paying attention or stating still? Do you sometimes get yelled at for talking in class or moving around? Do you often zone out? Lose […]
This addition to the Books Kids Love series combines the best multicultural children’s books with a solid spectrum of reading instruction. Fuhler takes the participant beyond reading basics [...]
ADHD is a complicated behavioral disorder which is difficult to diagnose, manifests itself in adults as well as children and has far reaching effects on the lives of those who […]