Therapists & Clinicians

Additional Links & Resources

  • Adoptee Therapists in Wisconsin
  • Black Clinicians Milwaukee
  • Center for Adoption Support and Education (C.A.S.E.)’s National Directory of Adoption Competent Professionals. Search this national database to locate qualified adoption therapists in Wisconsin. Read their individual profiles to learn more about them before connecting with them via phone or email.
  • Childhood Trauma or Mental Health Disorder? The traumatic effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and symptoms of mental health disorders can often look alike.
  • Healthy MKE: Find mental health and substance use care resources for adults, children, and families in Milwaukee County.
  • is a digital, research-backed mental health tool that youth can use on their own. It was developed by Hopelab, in partnership with CenterLink and the It Gets Better Project. supports and helps LGBTQ+ teens explore and affirm their identity and learn practical ways to cope with sexual and gender minority stress that are helpful, relevant, inclusive, and joyful. This is done through supportive and affirming resources, activities, and stories from LGBTQ+ youth in 4 areas of interest and need: minority stress, queerness and LGBTQ+ identity, internalized stigma, and gender identity and expression.
  • Uplift WI: This line is for Wisconsin residents and is staffed by certified peer specialists – people with lived experiences of mental health, substance use, and other related life experiences. Call this line if you need someone to talk to for support when things are difficult or when you just need a peer to connect with. You do not need to be in crisis to call this line. This line is anonymous, confidential, and not directly connected to crisis linkage services.

Crisis Resources