This page includes resources, information, and links to help support you and your family. If you have additional questions or would like to speak with a member of our team, please give us a call at 800-762-8063.

Downloadable Resources
Family Support Groups & Associations
No Matter What Families Videos

The No Matter What Families YouTube channel is created and maintained by the Coalition for Children, Youth & Families. It is designed to encourage families to seek help and support when they feel hopeless and alone. The website features real stories from real people, ultimately providing inspiration to help struggling families make connections that will help build their strength and resilience.

Wisconsin Foster Parent Handbook

The Wisconsin Foster Family Handbook is a guide that includes basic information about foster care in Wisconsin. It is written specifically for new foster families but can also serve as a good source of information for experienced foster parents, as well.

In the Handbook, you will find:

  • An overview of the foster care program.
  • Information about your role and the expectations of foster parents.
  • A discussion about the care of children in foster care.
  • Information about the critical nature of working with birth families.
  • Information about the crucial importance of self-care as a foster family.
  • Tools and resource lists about a variety of specific topics.

Download the Wisconsin Foster Family Handbook