FAW: Social Media–The Changing Face of Connections


Social Media: The Changing Face of Connections

So much has – and continues to – change about the way we connect with friends and family members. What used to be shared over phone calls, during in-person visits, or by letter is now posted on Facebook, revealed over Skype or Face Time, and sent via email. Social media has become commonplace for all of us, children and adults.

Furthermore, the world of social media changes every day. It seems as though upgrades, updates, new platforms, and other changes happen just as soon as we’ve mastered a particular site or platform. It’s no wonder that many foster parents find themselves confused and overwhelmed. From deciding which sites you could sign up for, to monitoring social media and Internet usage for the children in your care, there is a lot to learn. In this issue of Fostering Across Wisconsin, we will give you an overview of today’s most active social media sites, as well as tips on keeping yourself and children safe.

Articles include:

  • The Changing Face of Connections
  • An Introduction to Social Media
  • Social Media Safety


Download: FAW Spring 2014

Author: Coalition for Children, Youth & Families
Additional Author: Foster Care & Adoption Resource Center
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