FAW: Encouraging and Supporting Tweens and Teens in Care


Encouraging and Supporting Tweens and Teens in Care

Youth in foster care often feel different from their peers, and as they grow into the tween and teen years, chances are that those feelings intensify. During this developmental stage, youth mostly just want to fit in with their friends and peers. At times, being a part of the child welfare system can get in the way of youth feeling like a “typical teen” and increase their sense of feeling different from their peers.

No one wants to feel different or singled out, especially teens and young adults. And, like adults, most youth want to feel like they are being listened to and that their feelings are validated. There are a number of ways you can show your support for a tween or teen in your care who is navigating his or her their feelings of being different, and help him or her feel more like a “typical” tween or teen.

Articles include:

  • Encouraging and Supporting Tweens and Teens in Care
  • Paying it Forward: From Youth in Care to Advocate

Download: FAW Spring 2015

Author: Coalition for Children, Youth & Families
Additional Author: Foster Care & Adoption Resource Center
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