FAW: Breaking Through the Clouds: Dealing with Reunification Anxiety


Breaking Through the Clouds: Dealing with Reunification Anxiety

One of the primary goals of being a foster parent is to provide a safe and nurturing home and help a child prepare to go back home. Reunification is an exciting time and is often the culmination of many people working very hard for the sake of a child. It can be heart-filling and joyous to watch a child that you have cared for and nurtured be able to reunify with his family. At the same time, as a foster parent, it’s common to feel anxious about reunification, even if you know in your heart it is what is best for the child.

Articles include:

  • Breaking Through the Clouds: Dealing with Reunification Anxiety
  • Why is Reunification the Primary Permanency Goal?
  • 10 Ways Foster Parents can Support Reunification


Download: FAW Summer 2015

Author: Coalition for Children, Youth & Families
Additional Author: Foster Care & Adoption Resource Center
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