We publish the Partners newsletter three times a year. Each issue focuses on a specific theme or topic related to foster care and/or adoption, and includes articles, resources, success stories and more for readers. Partners can be downloaded and printed for easy sharing. If you would like to be notified via email when a new issue has been published, please join our Partners Newsletter mailing list.
Making an Impact: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow The Partners newsletter was first published in 1997. At the time, we mailed out each edition and the mailing list grew to total […]
Transracial Adoption In this issue of Partners, we’re tackling a tough topic. We are talking about race and parenting children and youth transracially. It’s a subject that can be [...]
On Trauma Some years ago, we spent an entire year focusing on the topic of trauma. So much has changed in the intervening years that we thought it was time to […]
Meeting the Needs of the Whole Family We chose to write about the impact of what it means to champion a child who has been touched by foster care and/or […]
Coalition for Children, Youth & Families 101 We often find that, depending on who you are and how you have come to know us, you may or may not know […]
Caring for Children & Youth with Special Needs This issue includes articles and resources for those who are caring for children and youth with special needs. Articles include: Wrapped in […]
Building Networks of Support and Care In this issue of Partners, we chose to focus on building networks of support and care around you. We know that no one can exactly […]
Focus on Fathers This issue of Partners focuses on the theme of fatherhood. We wanted to write about this topic because we know that the significant role a father can play in the […]
Siblings After reviewing the articles for this issue of Partners, I found this quote on Pinterest that, to me, wonderfully summed up and described the challenges faced by many children […]
Kinship Care We are dedicating this issue to all the wonderful relatives who step up and care for their kin. Over the past five or more years, a greater emphasis has […]