Welcome to our Calendar of Events!

This calendar includes opportunities for learning and connection from the Wisconsin Family Connections Center, the Coalition for Children, Youth & Families, and several other organizations across Wisconsin. (NOTE: Opportunities from the Wisconsin Family Connections Center are noted with a blue ribbon on the calendar below.)

Find training and event flyers here.

For a complete listing of Regional Events and Support Groups, please visit the Wisconsin Family Connections Center Eventbrite Page.

Find support group flyers here.

For information about Recorded Webinars, Upcoming Live Webinars, Courses, and Conferences, please visit the Champion Classrooms.

Events are added as information is made available to us. If you’d like to share an upcoming event with us, please contact us at info@wifamilyconnectionscenter.org.

BirthmomsConnect Virtual Support Group


BirthmomsConnect support calls are held via Zoom and available to anyone who has given birth to a child, anywhere, no matter their affiliation with the On Your Feet Foundation or when they placed. The only requirements to participate are as follows: You gave birth to and placed a child for adoption, and your placement is final. […]

Attachment and Relationships for Adult Adoptees


Adoptees have, for many years, been pathologized instead of having their own voices taken into account. The overall expectation that behavioral and emotional adjustments within the individual would solve mental health challenges, sexual challenges, and “issues” is the main narrative that has haunted the adoptee community for decades. The area of Sexual and Reproductive Health […]


IEP Resources


For those who want to research beyond the basics of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), many helpful resources are available. This 30-minute module of the IEP Series highlights resources including: Special Education in Plain Language IDEA 2004 WI law and rules WI Department of Public Instruction Resources (Bulletins, Sample Forms, College and Career Ready IEP Process, […]

Student Led IEPs: Helping Students Fly


Many students with disabilities play little to no role in their own Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings and the planning of their services, accommodations, and goals. However, research shows that when students lead their own IEP meetings, they become more engaged in their education, learn important self-advocacy skills, and take greater ownership over their learning. […]

BirthmomsConnect: Navigating Closed/Reunion Adoptions Support Calls


Our BirthmomsConnect support calls are held via Zoom and available to anyone who has given birth to a child, anywhere, no matter their affiliation with the On Your Feet Foundation or when they placed. The only requirements to participate are as follows: You gave birth to and placed a child for adoption, and your placement is final. […]

BirthmomsConnect: Navigating Closed/Reunion Adoptions Support Calls


Our BirthmomsConnect support calls are held via Zoom and available to anyone who has given birth to a child, anywhere, no matter their affiliation with the On Your Feet Foundation or when they placed. The only requirements to participate are as follows: You gave birth to and placed a child for adoption, and your placement is final. […]