“We need to talk.” Do those four words strike fear in your heart? They are usually the signal that a difficult conversation is on its way. Most of us are […]
You are a foster parent. Perhaps you’ve been doing this for a long time. Or, maybe you are newly licensed or have just finished your first placement. Perhaps you’re a […]
In welcoming a child into your home, you become an essential part of their life. You provide love, comfort, care, safety, and stability. And you are keenly aware that the […]
School Tools So much has changed–and will likely continue to change–around school issues in 2020. As we work together to address those new changes as they arise, there are some […]
Sibling Relationships We can all play a role in supporting child well-being and sibling relationships. Simply recognizing how crucial and beneficial those relationships are and doing our best to [...]
Making an Impact: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow The Partners newsletter was first published in 1997. At the time, we mailed out each edition and the mailing list grew to total […]
Transracial Adoption In this issue of Partners, we’re tackling a tough topic. We are talking about race and parenting children and youth transracially. It’s a subject that can be [...]
Transracial Parenting Talking about race can be a tough conversation; but it’s an important topic, especially for foster and adoptive parents. We hope the articles in this edition of [...]
On Trauma Some years ago, we spent an entire year focusing on the topic of trauma. So much has changed in the intervening years that we thought it was time to […]
On Trauma Today, more than ever before, foster and adoptive parents are learning, hearing, and dealing with the impacts of trauma on youth and young adults and how they can […]